Sometimes words fall.
As if from the sky on a rainy day, all I have to do is to reach out and catch them, before they slip through my fingers. They fall around me — sentences and phrases, fully-formed, precise, eloquent.
Other times however, I can stand under the sky all I like, but nothing will come. Words show up blurry, out-of-focus, obscured by shadow. I can try to grasp hold of them, but they melt through my hands, into a puddle of mush.
I’m in one of those phases right now. I have deadlines to meet and articles to write, but I can’t find the flow. I almost didn’t want to write this newsletter, but I decided to show up anyway as I know many of you struggle with the same thing. Creativity-on-demand can be a hard thing to find, especially when life gets in the way.
I know exactly what I need when I have writing or artwork to finish; space and freedom. It’s that simple — or is it?