Sometimes, we really don’t need more to read. Or perhaps we do, but we don’t have the time or energy for it. With that in mind, every second week I send out a ‘Visual Treat’ instead — either an illustration or a photograph from my portfolio with a prompt to reflect on.
My hope is that they will be just that — a break, a moment of mindfulness, some quiet in your day.
Today’s visual treat is one of my favourite photos from the year, a glowing lantern in the depths of January, in Hallstatt. Many of us are feeling quite overloaded right now, so I decided to keep this one short — just a photo that captures quiet, space, cold and a bit of Winter magic.
Last week, I shared an exercise I’ve used with many of my clients over the last year on Laura Oldfield’s Substack.
It’s a creative method to evaluate your energy levels since the beginning of 2023, to see where and how your energy was spent. It helps you to understand which blocks and drains held you back, and what worked in your favour over the last months.
More importantly, it can help to unblock and replenish you for next year — you can use it to create a visual map of where you want to focus your energy, time and attention in 2024. Extra points for sticking it up on your wall to refer to throughout the year!
It’s a really gentle tool to assess where you’ve been, where you’re at, and where you’d like to be. You can find that exercise here.
I hope you’re all winding down, going inwards a bit, and finding ways to rest this season and care for yourself. It is upsetting times, so seek out joy, beauty and humanity wherever you can.
P. S.
If you’d like to get a deeper understanding of your energy blocks and drains and to embrace your potential in 2024, then maybe we can work together. If you’d like to learn more, take a look here.
Love the visual treat.