Work With Me
If you’re feeling stuck, blocked, unseen/unheard or like you somehow don’t belong, then you’re not alone, and you’ve come to the right place.
Fact: We never see ourselves as others see us.
We don’t see how powerful we truly are. We don’t see how much we light up the world around us, simply by existing.
That’s where I come in — I would be honoured to show you
So, this is where I’m supposed to really sell you my offers. I’m supposed to say that working with me is transformational, and list out the ways in which your life will change for the better if you do.
Here’s the thing; I’m not a big fan of those pages — even if they are very effective — because they can make us feel somehow “less than”.
I’m not in the business of making you feel less than, I want you to feel more than.
Don’t get me wrong — I really believe in what I have to offer.
I know that I’m good at what I do, and I’m the only one (that I know of!) doing it, which makes it unique.
Here’s how we can work together:
Soul Signs — Energy Portraits (which is what I’ll cover on this page)
Creative Mentoring

What are Soul Signs?
Soul Signs combine mentoring, visual art and storytelling to:
Show you your light, which you don’t see reflected in the mirror
Uncover any blocks or patterns that are holding you back
Connect you to yourself on a deeper level — allowing for more profound connections in other areas of your life too
Provide a space to share your story, which allows for healing and empowerment
“The one-on-one sessions with Tamzin were like opening a window onto parts of myself that I didn’t know existed.”

You will receive a portrait of your energy, power and impact.
"Images track instantly to your brain's visual centres, bypassing conscious thought, which means the brain's filtering system can't dismiss them. They are emotive and symbolic, inspiring energy and action in the real world." Dr Tara Swart, Neuroscientist, The Source, referring to why Vision Boards are effective.
A Soul Sign portrait is like a vision board of your true, dazzling self.
If you would like to learn more about the whole process involved, I explain it in further detail in this post. You can also see more examples of the portraits here.

Creative Mentoring
I also offer one-to-one mentoring, as I know that deep, soul, inner work is hard — it’s a forever journey along a strange path.
If you’d like a guide who is well-versed in energy and intuition to accompany you on that journey for a little while, then maybe I’m your person.
About me:
I would be the first person to tell you that you shouldn’t trust just anyone with your story or with your energy, so learn more about me here, or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
I so look forward to working with you,
Tamzin x