Providing a break from reading with images or artwork is a great idea!

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Thank you so much! I really hope you'll enjoy them. What kinds of things do you like to post?

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I usually write musings/notes to myself about life and love and faith, in-process thoughts, connections I've made.

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I recently took a trip to a museum where there was a beautiful collection of embroidered photography of women in North India. It really reminded me of your soul portraits. I'll send them your way. <3

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Oh thank you so much Mariah. That's lovely to hear and I'd love to see them.

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I love this so much! Sharing an image rather than an article is a lovely change. This landscape image is wonderful and holds great energy. I would like to see more of these Tamzin so don't be shy!

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Thank you so much Donna, you're always so encouraging and I really appreciate it! I will do my best, I have quite a portfolio of things so I won't run out!

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Tamzin such a beautiful post, it reminds me of a sunrise meditation practice I learned in Mazunte, Mexico last year. Where we got up just before sunrise and with eyes open stood and witnessed the sun rise over the ocean. The goal was to merge with the sunrise. inspired by Rumi “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop”.

I have also contemplated creating a visual Substack using my photos and art as visual essays. I’m still at the “stuck” stage ... working to move past what’s blocking me. Thank you for the inspiration 🙏🏼❤️

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Karen that sunrise practice sounds so beautiful. What a magical thing to do! And yes, please do start posting visual essays, I think that would be so interesting to follow. I'm sorry to hear that you're blocked, you know where I am if you'd like to chat through them a bit!

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Thank you!! I'll reach out sooon.

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No pressure 😊

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I love it!

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Thank you so much John, I really appreciate that!

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Oh this is such a great idea! I can’t wait to see what more you share with us, the first piece is beautiful!

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Thank you so much Patrik. Looking forward to see how the challenge unfolds too!

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I love this idea! And you’re artwork is beautiful. Even more beautiful than the photo itself

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What a compliment! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I love the title of your Substack!

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Your illustration is absolutely beautiful. I didn’t realize for a moment that you had recreated the photo; I thought you had just added to it. You are very talented. I would love to see more of your work in upcoming posts.

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Thank you so much Brenda, I really really appreciate that. It's so encouraging to feel like people actually would like to see more. Looking forward to learning more about you too!

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Beautiful beautiful ❤️

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Thank you so much 😊

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I love both the photo, the image and the words. I feel like I know those two trees ... And it's nice to stand by them again. (Make it a card, please!)

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If only printing cards wasn't such a headache!

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Thank you for having the courage to share your artistic visual expression Tamzin! We are vessels for Spirit to express itself through us. We are the channel through which potential is given expression. Our role is to usher it into being. To allow it to come through us without judgment and to protect it as it is being birthed 🙏🏽

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