I used to cringe reading my old LinkedIn posts (that's my main platform apart from Substack). But since i started practicing creative writing, it got easier. Sometimes I get the flow and the posts write themselves (I'm just the tool the use). And when I read those later on, I'm impressed. It's such a good feeling when you genuinely proud of yourself. So, yes, challenging yourself is good. :)

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such a great reminder for sure to review one’s work and not always seek something new and shiny ~ i’m always struck by the hidden jewels, lines of language i can’t believe i strung together…glimmers patiently waiting to be seen

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Love this. I am reworking some things I wrote before atm. It feels a little cringe sometimes as they do need improving but I think that’s part of the journey as a writer! 💛

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Recently I have started to go through old posts so to update them and re share them on social media in a different way. The last one I put out was simply a mess and I am surprised no one at the time got in touch and told me to get a grip! The language was simply not appropriate for the very complex subject I was discussing. My words mirrored how I felt at the time and most of all the level of consciousness I was on. And it is OK to be honest, I can definitely accept this! So I am re writing myself in a way and it feels appropriate and nice to have such a great opportunity! Much love kind girl x

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It was an honour to have you take part, Tamzin! I honestly love your photos, they're raw and personal, show vulnerability and growth at the same time, it's a gorgeous combination!

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I can't help but cringe when I look at my old Facebook status updates. They are truly cringe haha However, I'm all for repromoting our older work. Capitalism has conditioned us to believe anything new and shiny is worthy, but we need to unlearn this mindset.

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