Slowing down is the regenerative medicine we need in the world. Honoring our cyclical nature, tuning in, allowing ideas to percolate. Thank you for leading by example!

One thing I’m growing to love about Substack is that we are creating an environment and community that honors each other in our need to take breaks, step away, and not always be “on” or trying to keep up with everyone else.

This is what collaboration instead of competition looks like and I’m so grateful for your presence here! 💗🙏

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Thank you for sharing this Tamzin. I see your courage and commend it. It’s refreshing to read something with transparency instead of trying to show up how you normally do and force the same type of presence each time. We souls are trying to figure out this human experience one day at a time and emotions will naturally fluctuate moment to moment and day to day. Authenticity is born when you own where you’re at in each moment. Thank you for walking your path each day as best you can 🙏🏽

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Dear Tamzin, you articulated what I felt at the end of August. “I have learnt from experience that I simply cannot live like this, I can’t always show up online or be a presence. My energy and productivity is not consistent, and when I force it to be, my creative work suffers.” I think that it feels so jarring sometimes to return to work after a break, especially a long break, because there’s an intensity to the time we create and work. I try to pay attention to the flow of my energy and attention and not to judge as laziness those days I prefer to keep my laptop closed. I turn away from the scarcity conversation that if I’m not online more consistently bad things will happen. Instead I shift that into allowing the pauses as a way to fuel my energy once I’m in the flow of inspiration. I know I can’t live a healthy, joyful and creative life if I’m worried about “productivity.” I’m now in a stage of life that affords me the luxury of choosing. Very grateful for that. And totally committed to my writing regardless of whether I’m pausing or working. So glad you shared this post! I’m sure many of us feel that way.

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I love this .. the whispering of Autumn through your window and the cat reaching for your face (my new kitten seems surgically attached to my thigh and it’s pure let therapy). Enjoy your break and I love that you trust your creativity enough now to know it will always flow through you... even if it’s energy changes. Loved doing your interview and learning about your inspiring work x

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Thank you for this delightful read Tamzin. I am so glad I discovered you in that amazing way of links & connections that weave their own dance.

My 20 year old self actually tis listen to her soul whispers but somehow through the following 30+ years I have lost that art.

This year has been about learning to slow down & see what I can discover.

Thank you for this sweet nudge & reminder.

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"My energy is still scattered; pieces of me left behind in different places, new ideas trying to catch up." Lovely. I'd love to see that scattered energy with ideas running behind in one of your drawings ...!

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