Sometimes, we really don’t need more to read. Or perhaps we do, but we don’t have the time or energy for it. With that in mind, every second week I send out a ‘Visual Treat’ instead — either an illustration or a photograph from my portfolio with a prompt to reflect on.
My hope is that they will be just that — a break, a moment of mindfulness, some quiet in your day.
In the quiet, the answers come.
In the darkness, the light shows.
In the silence, the truth is heard.
In the nothing, the everything appears.
A message has been coming through to me lately, prodding me from the edges of my awareness, quietly insisting on something. No matter where I turn, the reminder keeps on coming: I need more quiet.
More quiet in my days, more quiet in my ways, more time away from noise and distraction.
Silence is waiting for me, patiently, on the other side of busy.
Perhaps it’s the time of year — the darker nights of December and slowing down triggers a craving to go even deeper — to sink more into the present moment, to go inwards more than usual — in order to resurface, refreshed and renewed later on.
Are you avoiding the quiet or the dark? Do you fill empty space with noise and distraction? Always with people, listening to podcasts, reading posts or scrolling too much?
What might be waiting for you, if you found some time for real quiet and listened to it instead?
What might the silence have to tell you? What might the darkness have to show you?
Until next week,
P. S.
Are you interested in an experience that combines mentoring, visual art and storytelling to unleash your next level? I am currently taking on a few new clients now to start early in 2024. You can find out more here.
This art is stunning. Can you share the medium, I’m very curious!
I really appreciate your art, so great to have something visual to enjoy along with your words. 🤍