That idea of writing about the beds we've slept in... Woah, it's making me tingle. Thanks for that – I feel a book proposal coming on!

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Thanks so much Lindsay, this is how I originally wrote it (for me the cadence makes a big difference!) https://tamzin.substack.com/p/from-my-bed-to-yours

I'd love to hear what comes up for you! And yes what an idea - a memoir told through the beds 💡

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Thank you so much for sharing and restacking @Haley Hopkins

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Tamzin, thank you again for your beautiful writing, and for sharing the mirror prompt with my readers. I also love this idea of being a mirror as we do our creative work. You've helped me flesh out what I mean when I encourage people to use writing to pay attention to what matters. It's really about paying attention to what they see reflected.

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