Sometimes, we really don’t need more to read. Or perhaps we do, but we don’t have the time or energy for it. With that in mind, every second Friday I’ll send you a ‘Visual Treat’ instead — either an illustration or a photograph from my portfolio.
My hope is that they will be just that — a break, a moment of mindfulness, some quiet.

Calm — which can’t be perturbed by the waves that come crashing
Grounded, when faced with change
Grace, in the face of disappointment
Contentment, amidst chaos
Of all that was
Of all that is
Of all that will be
Is there something right now that you’re struggling to accept?
Look at your resistance, rather than the thing itself — what’s blocking your ability to accept it?
Even if you don’t want to accept it, imagine what your life could look like if you did — what’s on the other side of acceptance?
When we manage to let go of resistance and find acceptance, we can move forward and take action.
Until next Tuesday,
P. S.
For the entire month of November, I’ve decided to send a personalised gift to anyone who upgrades to a yearly subscription. This will be a pack of sustainable cards and postcards, from my own collection of illustrations. I’m doing this because I’m here first and foremost for community, and I love connecting with you all both on and off-screen.
I needed to read this and will return again to read it again. Acceptance is very apt to what I'm working through/on right now. Thank you
Thank you for sharing this, I feel I’m on the silver side of acceptance having worked really (and I do mean REALLY!) hard at acceptance therapy. It’s tough, but, the other side of acceptance is freer. My issues are still there - for me it’s health - but accepting that you cannot change things, does bring about change. It is a type of freedom. X