I needed to read this and will return again to read it again. Acceptance is very apt to what I'm working through/on right now. Thank you

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Thank you Casper, I'm glad if it helps at all. It's not an easy thing at all, but there's so much bravery in even being willing to give it a try, to attempt to reach a place of acceptance. And even when we get there, it will come and go, and that's OK too.

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Thank you for sharing this, I feel I’m on the silver side of acceptance having worked really (and I do mean REALLY!) hard at acceptance therapy. It’s tough, but, the other side of acceptance is freer. My issues are still there - for me it’s health - but accepting that you cannot change things, does bring about change. It is a type of freedom. X

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Health is, without a doubt, one of the hardest things to accept. Either our own health or the health of our loved ones, it can feel so unfair, and it's so beyond our control. Well done for all of your hard work on accepting it, I know that it can't have been easy. Taking that step to work on it is so powerful though, as you say, it's a type of freedom. Thank you so much for your comment ✨

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It's a harder exercise than I wish it was, but I need to do it more often. Thank you for the reminder

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As we always say; easier said than done! Thank you for your comment and I wish you so much luck on your journey towards deeper acceptance...

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Stillness ...

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I certainly hope that that's what she communicates!

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I really like using The Tower within the Tarot to represent something like this— acknowledging the fears you have within yourself, so you can move forward into the next card of The Star. I feel like someone might come along and shout at me for this, as I have a science degree

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Never fear, neuroscientists believe in the power of feeling our feelings before we can move on to create new neural pathways, so I think Tarot or any tool at all that helps us to evaluate, process, or understand ourselves or our emotions on a deeper level can only be a good thing. Even the sound of The Tower and The Star is already so evocative -- it gives us an inkling of what they might mean, even if we're not familiar with Tarot. Thank you so much for your comment Robert! It's always a pleasure to hear from you.

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