
What magic are you holding lightly? Where are you directing your magic? What actions are you taking that will lead to future magic?

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Tamzin

I love how you refer to characteristics as magic! Soo cool. The magic I hold is definitely my presence and energy.

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This is perfect! The art and the words are nourishing. Thank you Tamzin.❤

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That illustration is a bit of a tickle.....to tickle the armpit of an orb.

Lately,majick pleasure songs that are prayers.

Watching whales playing on my local shores,and knowing their movement under water,,and the messages they carry across seas

Majick as a comfort in my eyes,that strangers look too with curiosity.

There’s alot in this one Tamzin.

It could write itself for days.x


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The magic I'm holding lightly today is connecting people. I'm offering it to all those who need it, which is all of us.

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Oh, this was wonderful. A magical way to start my day!! ❤️

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The magic I’m holding is my vulnerability. To be able to share my truth in a raw and unfiltered way that allows my light to shine... and maybe inspires others to be more open along the way too. I posted one of my most vulnerable shares online this past Sunday. Feeling really proud of that. Overall, I agree that sometimes we don’t need more to read. We’re already consuming so much information that it can dilute our inner voice in the guise of “learning more” you’re actually learning less about you

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Thank you Tamzin for this prompt and image. The magic I'm holding today is the ability to create in clay with my hands, as I look at your image I am reminded of how yesterday in the midst of heavy grief I pounded clay, rolled it through my fingers and started sculpting from a large block of clay, with no image in mind, I allowed the energy that was coming through me out my fingers to the clay to form, mold, like a phoenix rising, an angel began to appear.

What emerged was what I call a "peace angel" and while it may not look beautiful in the moment, in the creating the grief flowed and my heart felt more peace, more calm. So often, when I find myself in dark moments I go to the silence of my studio with clay and what emerges are some of the most intriguing and beautiful pieces. I realize that my magic is the ability to transform and alchemize---an alchemy that is often times tender and raw, as raw as the clay --as it thins it becomes soft and fragile. So often the thin clay cracks and breaks, and in those cracks are more beauty to behold.

May we all find peace on this journey and recognize when the magic appears it can heal and transform us from the depths of despair to hope and beauty. It's beautiful magic when we pause, notice and reflect. Thank you for this opportunity to show up in honest reflection.

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While staying on a very small community, the wonderful host was filling a bucket with water. When she tried to close the faucet, the handle broke and was just spinning around. I approached to see how I could help, tilted the handle so it grabbed onto the remaining pats and twisted it close.

“You have the gift of the hand” she said as she kindly smiled

And as it might look a bit directed on the material, I realized that if things can be fixed or attended to, then we can have a moment for ourselves as we can now use the tools in this world to continue our path and take on opportunities.

Thank you for the wonderful post

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I love the art, Tamzin. ✨ My magic right now is in trying to understand better and be more patient. I'm directing my energy to listening to podcasts and reading essays that teach me these values. 🍃

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That art work!! 💕💕💕✨

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I really enjoyed the post. Thank you! For me, kindness is magic.

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