Welcome to Resurface, with me, Tamzin Merivale.
I’m an intuitive artist, writer and mentor, and this space is for creating deeper connections not only to others, but to parts of ourselves that have been forgotten, neglected, or are waiting to be discovered. It’s time to see the unseen, to hear the unheard.
My mission is to show you just how much you light up the world around you, simply by existing. You can learn more about some of the work I do here.
Black sand sparkles
I found a black beach
Of crystal hematite stone
Crushed to silver sand
Black from one angle, sparkling from another
There are so many things that look dark at first glance
But shimmer, shine and glitter from another
Is there anything in your life that feels bleak right now, but could be shiny, luminous even, if you shift your perspective on it?
What could you examine from a completely different point of view, to shed some light on an area that feels dark?
Hit reply or let me know in the comments, let’s bring some silver sparkle to the black together 🎇
For those of you that want to know, this magical crystal beach is on Elba, a favourite spot of mine. Not the easiest to get to, but so worth it if you do.
Until 2025,
Tamzin xx
Well, I’m finding it hard at the moment as I feel almost like I’m full of stagnant water, which is hard to feel positive about. I could feel positive about some actual stagnant water, which is vibrant and alive. But then those are the qualities which can be hard to feel, although just writing this has helped me feel them a bit
Wow, this is beautiful, Tamzin 😍 I’ve always associated black with sadness or depression, but look at how vibrant this black is. For me, my decision to leave Berlin next year feels stressful as I think about where to move next. However, I’m trying to shift my focus to the fact that I’m privileged and lucky to have the opportunity to move to another country—something most people don’t have.