Wow, this is beautiful, Tamzin 😍 I’ve always associated black with sadness or depression, but look at how vibrant this black is. For me, my decision to leave Berlin next year feels stressful as I think about where to move next. However, I’m trying to shift my focus to the fact that I’m privileged and lucky to have the opportunity to move to another country—something most people don’t have.

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It really was amazing, this black that was glittering so beautifully -- a whole beach of crystal sand!

Wow, that's big news on your move and such a brave decision. I wrote an article just recently for a magazine all about home and place from exactly this point of view! How do we know where to go? What makes us feel like we belong?

I just spent four years somewhere that was so wrong for me and really blocking me on different levels, yet I also had to just focus on the fact that I was privileged to have that experience and lucky enough to be able to leave, when many of my friends couldn't. I felt quite a bit of guilt around finally leaving - I was getting out while they were stuck waiting for their papers etc.

If you ever feel like chatting about it, I've spent the last two years looking for where to move to, searching for a potential home that would be more long-term, or at least had that possibility! It can be exciting but also overwhelming and not always easy for sure, even if we're aware how lucky we are to have that agency and choice in the matter.

It's lovely to hear from you, thank you so much for your lovely comment 🎇

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Sorry, Tamzin. I never replied back to you! Yes, I would love that. I will message you on DM. It would be nice if you have time to have a coffee catch-up and hear what you are up to, as well as get any advice you might have on the location.

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Well, I’m finding it hard at the moment as I feel almost like I’m full of stagnant water, which is hard to feel positive about. I could feel positive about some actual stagnant water, which is vibrant and alive. But then those are the qualities which can be hard to feel, although just writing this has helped me feel them a bit

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Hi Robert, it's always so lovely to hear from you. How have you been? Stagnant water is such a vivid description, and interesting that writing about it made it feel a bit different, that in itself is positive. Perhaps you could explore more that idea of stagnant water/how you're feeling stagnant through your sketches and writings and see where it gets you?

For me, it's interesting that you used the word stagnant given the above comments as well (not sure if you read them). Where I was living for the last four years was exceptionally stagnant for me, and many people I knew there felt the same about the place itself. Even the air quality was very bad, it was boxed in by mountains and had little wind, so even breathing felt stagnant... I've finally left and I feel now that possibilities can open up, which they couldn't while I was still living there, that perhaps I can flow a little better now...

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That’s a good idea! I think it’s the reluctance to do that sort of thing that’s a part of it; like it’s uncomfortable to be in one’s body once one gets numb enough. It has been a rough old year

I haven’t read those comments; but I’m glad you’re feeling better now! I saw you hadn’t posted for a while a few months ago, and was glad to see you were alive

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