At the beginning of every January, I pause.
I don’t necessarily choose to, but my body insists upon it.
In recent years, I’ve embraced rather than resisted it. A voice, now only a whisper, still tells me that perhaps I should be more productive and get back to work-mode on January 2nd, but I don’t function like that. I give myself the time to think and be, rather than launch myself too quickly into the new year.
Last January, I wasn’t as calm about it as I am now. I was in the darkest part of my own year — a midnight black, before any light had diffused the horizon, so I couldn’t see my way forward. I didn’t know when things might become clear.
I had done a soft launch of Soul Signs and begun mentoring, but I had no idea whether or not I’d get enough new clients to work with. I had started writing this newsletter, but I hadn’t switched on paid subscriptions and I wasn’t sure if anyone would think my writing was worth paying for.
Last week, I had my first few sessions with clients, and I noticed that they are feeling a similar January ick; they’re anxious to get on and make things happen but uncertain as to how or where to begin, they’re still feeling the weight of Winter and a heavy despair about the state of the world (which makes taking even small steps quite difficult).
It’s always astounding to see how quickly we can shift this stuck energy when we zoom out a little, and take in the whole picture.
These sessions also reminded me to reach back through time, to last January, and give myself a reassuring hug. I couldn’t imagine or foresee what 2023 had in hold for me, and now, I’m so glad of that…
As I was organising a shelf last week, a page fluttered out — a list of intentions for 2023. These weren’t resolutions, but simple things to work on or experience throughout the year. On finding it, I laughed. Out of fifteen things on that list, I had accomplished ONE.
You could argue that this makes me a failure — I didn’t stick to my own intentions or see them through, I didn’t make things happen that I promised myself I would.
But honestly? I wasn’t remotely disappointed and I certainly don’t feel like a failure — many items on the list aren’t remotely in alignment any-more.
The list left out the truly important and significant achievements, experiences and moments that happened in my life last year.
A few things I hadn’t put on my list:
The amazing new clients that I had the joy of working with
The totally unexpected opportunities, which I couldn’t have dreamt of
The new contacts, colleagues and friends I’d meet along the way
Some wonderful experiences, places, moments and personal achievements which again, I wouldn’t have even begun to think of this time last year
So if you’re struggling with your motivation or with clarity for 2024, loosen your grip a little on all that you’re hoping for. It’s only January, YOU HAVE TIME.
If you’re writing a list or setting intentions, allow gaps and space for life to surprise you.
That’s where the magic lies — in the unexpected.
Yes, planning a certain amount and taking action in our creative work and goals is important, but we can go gently.
Break it down into simple things — can you achieve one thing on your list in the next two weeks? If not, then why? I recommend working with a few intentions that are achievable in the short-term, rather than putting pressure on yourself to change your whole world by March.
Keep putting one small step in front of another. It’s those ripples that will come back to you tenfold, not the huge leaps that leave you exhausted and worn out.
And if you’re not in the mood to even poke your head up above the covers or begin yet, then that’s OK too. I’ll be cheering you on, regardless.
Tamzin xx
If you’d like to zoom out on your life and goals together and take some extra care of yourself and of your intentions this year, then I’m taking on a few new clients to work with starting in February. You can find out more here.
I generally attract “outsiders”, and I’ve been working with more artists, writers and creatives over the last year. Supporting them to take action towards big changes they’d like to make, shifts in their energy and achieving goals in their work was one of the most joyful and rewarding parts of my work last year.
Thanks to all who chose to journey with me in 2023, I can’t wait to see how 2024 unfolds for you.
I’ve been getting The Fool card a lot in my tarot meditations lately which is definitely reminding me to be open to the magic of the unexpected. Honestly, last year I held in so tightly and rigidly to my own expectations, choosing to shift my perspective this year feels entirely liberating!
Thank you for the reminder to go gently and Happy New Year!
This is wonderful Tamzin! In my presentation about change this week I said this exact thing, I feel the reason we don’t shift the way we want to is because we don’t allow space in our routine for expansion. Both literal, emotional and spiritual space. We carry on as before but expect things to change anyway. Softening into space and possibility may create an allowing.